We want to be a people seeking after God's presence. During our servicees, prayer meetings, bible studies and all our ministries, having God at the cetre is our top priority.
We want to be a people of Formation. We want to continue to be disciples and to disciple each other. Becoming more and more like Christ.
Our job is to go and make disciples of all nations (the great comission). Our aim is to tell and show the people of our communities all about the love of God and his saving grace.
We are a Christ-centred church that is dedicated to loving God with all our heart, mind and soul and to loving our neighbour as ourselves.
We believe there is one God, who has revealed Himself as our Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and as the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God manifested in flesh. He is both God and man.
We believe that the Godhead exists co-equally and co-eternally in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and that these three are one God, sovreign in creation, providence and redemption.
We believe the bibl, as originally given, to be without error, the fully inspired and infallible Word of God and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His image, but they sinned when tempted by Satan. Everyone has sinned and needs salvation, Salvation comes by grace through faith based on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Only through God's saving grace and work in Jesus Christ can we be rescued, reconciled and renewed.
We believe in the true and proper diety of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His real and complete humanity, in His sinless life, in His authoritative teaching, in His subsitutionary and atoning sacrifice through His blood shed, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the Father, in His heavenly intercession and His second coming to recieve His church.
We believe in the spiritual unity and the priesthood of all believers in Christ and that these comprise the universal Church, the Body of Christ.
We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion in water in obedience to the command of Christ and in the commemoration of Christ's death by the observance of the Lord's Supper until His return.
As Christians we are to love God and others. We should live a holy life inwardly and outwardly, and worship God joyfully. The gifts of the Spirit, are for the church today.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the final judgement of the world, the eternal bliss of the righteous and the eternal lost eternity of the wicked.